In 2019, the United Way of the Mark Twain Area opened a special grant application for area nonprofit organizations to apply for funding to bring a youth-focused substance abuse prevention program to the community. To do our part, Continental Cement and Green America Recycling agreed to donate $25,000 to fund the grant. Applications were reviewed by a special committee and they interviewed leadership from each organization that submitted a proposal to understand the details about the proposed programs.
The Hannibal Alliance for Youth Success (HAYS) was awarded the $25,000 grant to fund an initiative to prevent drug use among students. The grant will be used to launch the Trauma-Informed Program for Schools (TIPS) in Northeast Missouri. In their proposal, HAYS shared how they would utilize the funding to provide trauma awareness training and education to regional educators. Teachers and other school personnel would learn how to identify students who are experiencing traumatic circumstances. All six area school districts will participate in the program.
Presenting the check were (L-R) Dave Dexheimer, United Way board member; Meghan Karr, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services at Hannibal Pubic Schools and Treasurer of HAYS; Stephanie Cooper, President of HAYS; Denise Damron, Executive Director of United Way of the Mark Twain Area; and Bob Pickering of CCC/GAR.
In February, 2020, CCC and GAR were awarded this year’s United Way Business Partner of the Year following their grant to start a youth focused substance abuse prevention initiative.